Genesis: Dark Side of the Moon

Born "Dark Side of the Moon" in 1997, Genesis found her way to internet fame as the "SqueakyBurger" thanks to her biggest fans (aside from mom, of course) Nicole Curé Williams who took the photo, Zack Overton who readied the buns, and Paul Williman, who posted the photo to 4chan thereby sending it spreading like wildfire.

This blog is a mark for my wonderful scottish fold cat, daily or weekly photos of her doing things that make her the special old lady she is. Also known as "Squeaky", Genesis is a sweet old gal with a lot of love to give.

Though, I will warn you, once looked upon by her giant round orbs, your soul is hers. I am deeply sorry to say that no, I can't get it back for you.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Nightly cuddles

I seem to be feeling my old age the last few days and mommy thinks I may have a cold, but her cuddles and kisses sure make me feel loved.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Old Bones

My momma gave me a pill called tramadol tonight because my body aches from being an old lady with arthritis. I know mommy takes people tramadol for her pain too, and she feels so much better, so I hope I will feel just as comfortable as she does! Momma noticed that my arthritis was just getting too much for me to handle because I keep missing the bed, couch, and recliner. I also didn't want to be touched or even picked up, I know mommy didn't like that, she loves to touch and pet me!

I hope this makes me feel better, but for right now I do feel a little fuzzy (and not my pretty black fur fuzzy either!).

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

☆No Photos Please!☆

Mommy thought I was so beautiful after my grooming today that she decided now, in my down time, would be great to snap my pit'cha- but I think my beauty is too much to show off tonight.

Please, please, no photos!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

☆Lazy Thursday☆

"I love being the couch queen, especially when mom is here with me. Today, yes, today is a lazy Thursday."

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

☆It's getting warmer☆

"I'm well into my years and the cold winters wear me down, but mom has been opening the windows recently- this means it's going to start warming up more and it also means I get my time in the windows.

Mom talked with me last night about my adopted rotten brother and sister, Bob and Mynah (who's standing behind me in the photo above), and how she's going to start a schedule with me being separated from them. Bob and Mynah are snotty brats, about 4 years old and don't understand that I don't like to get chased or pounced on. Bob can be a real bully, and mom said she's had enough. While we fell asleep in bed she said she'll probably let me have the bedroom for several hours a day, and then put my adopted snot nosed house companions in the office so I can visit by myself.

I think this sounds like a great idea.
I don't really like them anyway."